Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Monday, October 13, 2008

This video is from the Bengals first pre-season game. Anna's quite smart and learned how to do "touchdown" very quickly. As the season has progressed, we let her do "touchdown" for other teams b/c she doesn't get to practice much with the Bengals. Now she claps for herself after she puts her arms up.

First Reds game, first concert (Mercy Me), first Bengals game (pre-season of course

Anna knows over 30 signs right now and a few words. Although she said "mama" and "dada" noises for awhile, the first words she said in context were "baby" and "apple" (this video is from early September)

Anna's favorite games = hide and seek, jumping on the bed, "up", and "boo!"

Anna Banana's monkey costume. Indi was definitely intrigued by her new little friend in the house. Anna had enough after about 1.5 minutes and politely told us by using her "all finished" sign.

If There are Any Fans Left.....
If you're actually reading this, Thanks! I've given you zero reason to stop by the blog for the last TWO!!?? months. Needless to say chasing a curious, excited, walking little 14 month old leaves little time for focused sitting in front of the computer. (Especially when you're pregnant!)

Yeah, BABY NUMBER TWO is probably some noteworthy news to put up, but I've honestly forgotten to post that. We are 25 weeks along and due January 25. We are very excited and can't wait for Anna to be a big sister! We are going to be surprised just like with Anna and think that was the greatest moment in the delivery room.

I'll try to catch you all up with some pictures and captions rather than a novel. Anyway, I know all you care about is pictures =)