Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Anna Banana!!!

Our sweet baby girl turned three!?!? I can't believe it. She is officially a big girl, a non-toddler, a "preschooler" (although not attending a real school this year). AND we officially do NOT have a one and two year old anymore. I feel like her birthday was as much a celebration for Matt and me as it was for her. This last year and a half has been fantastic and I truly wouldn't change any of it, but getting to this point is a huge milestone and accomplishment.
We've achieved potty training, giving up pacifiers, weaning (Megan, that is), learning to deal with TWO mobile toddlers, sleeping through the night, learning to care for two sick babies at one time, managing sibling rivalry, trying new babysitters, and of course so many other monumental moments like language development, sweet slobbery kisses, hearing the words "I love you" and "I'm sorry" and perfecting the way your baby, and your big girl, falls asleep in your arms.
Here's to a wonderful third year with our precious baby Anna and to the amazing fourth year that lies ahead! We love you!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Highschool Marching Band, Denim, Braids, and an American Flag in Your Back Pocket
Watching the Fourth of July through the eyes of a one and two year old this year definitely made me second guess what my favorite holiday is. How can you not love this day?! Parades, American flags, candy, fireworks, sprinklers, corn on the cob, picnics. This day could sum up the essence of childhood.
Matthew and Kasey came in for the weekend so we got to spend some wonderful time with them on Friday night just letting the girls play together. We met Maria and Brian and the kids on Saturday morning in their neck of the woods for the Ft. Thomas parade. This is the first time we've been to that parade and it was fantastic! It lasted a little over an hour and they had great floats and entertainment.

That night we went to Matt's parents for a low key night of swimming with the girls and then caught the quite incredible (no joke) Independence fireworks from our car. Of course, how could a city called Independece NOT put on a spectacular fireworks show? I have to admit-I'm a bit embarassed to say that we've lived here 6 years and this is the first year we've made it over to see them. Now that we know we're missing a 45 minute packed show, we won't miss again!

On Sunday we went to church and then to my parents' for a picnic and stayed all night for Andrew's famous fireworks. Megan was cracking us up because she truly loved them. She wanted to stay outside the whole time and kept saying "Andrew, more bang". She even cried when he was finished. On Monday morning, she woke up talking about it. Anna had enough after the second one and said she'd rather watch them from inside.

So after all this, I've decided that the Fourth of July might be my new favorite holiday. This year it seemed so much more magical than I remember. Isn't it great to have children to remind us of that innocence? (Also, the fact that I'm a dorky US History teacher might add to the "magic" for me.) I'm definitely proud to be an American!!

An addendum to the previous post ("Growing Up in 2010")...
Yesterday, we were at the mall and Anna was looking at some earrings. She really wanted some gold ball earrings, but I told her no. Somehow she thought I bought them and asked for them in the car. She then told me, "Maybe we can just look online for some."

Fun Summer Trip to Coney!
I have some fantastic memories of visiting Sunlite Pool when I was little. We didn't go to a swim club so our one, sometimes two, trip(s) to Coney Island every summer was a huge highlight. Last year, Matt and I took Anna by herself

and a few weeks ago, we repeated that -only this time was so much more fun! The water was about 20 degrees warmer, Anna loved going out far in the pool, and she was a thrill seeker on the rides. The first ride she rode?...the Python roller coaster. This is a REAL roller coaster. For a not-quite-three-year-old to willingly ride was very shocking to me. She loved it, rode it first with me and then rode it as the last ride for the night with Matt. We told her that we'll take her back one night this summer just to do the rides again. This was a great park for little ones!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Growing up in 2010
Times have definitely changed since we were young. Or really since we were in college. (That was the time when communication happened via long distance phone cards, land lines, and a simple "hey maybe we'll just happen to run into each other at some party later tonight because I have no way of finding you in Lexington since I can't call you.") Well we started using those cell phone things junior year in college and they rapidly began to change. I can remember when the new craze was to buy a camera phone. I vividly remember saying to Matt, "What a waste of money. Who really needs that?" Although it sounded cool, I never thought I would actually have a reason to use it.

Fast forward to 2010 and life with my almost three year old. We were playing in Anna's room today and she had about 6 stuffed animals laying out. She was talking to them and playing with them. I recently gave her a very old cell phone I found while cleaning (kind of big, bulky, and definitely no where near being a camera phone.) There she was playing by herself while I was dusting her dresser. The following is what I witnessed Anna doing: "Hi guys! You look cute! Get together and smile! Wait, let me just use my camera phone....'click'! (as she held up the old blue Sprint phone and said "click!") Okay, now hold on. I'm going to send this to Daddy Teddy Bear...'beep, beep, beep' (this was while she pressed all the buttons.) That looks good! Mommy, look at the picture, they look cute!" And then she showed me the battery-less, camera-less phone. Great imagination.... for a 2010 kid.

P.S. The little one and a half year old Megan already "gets it" too. She always whines for my phone so she can see the video of Anna pushing her in the swing when the phone opens. She gets a huge smile and does the "swing" sign so she can watch it. Wow! I can't imagine what technology lies ahead for these little ones.