Summer, Summer, Summertime
Now it's time to catch up on summer posting....
Fun with Water
We are very fortunate to have a neighborhood pool to go to all summer. Matt and I waited five years to have it finally built last summer. We didn't use it too much last year because the girls were still a bit young to care much about it. I really anticiapated that this year would bring new adventures up there with Anna getting to be a "big girl" and Megan walking. However, our pool use has been quite shameful: I can't take them by myself for obvious reasons, Megan only cares about walking around the pool (not in it), and the temperatures have been too hot to have a one and three year old outside for a long time. Matt and I go together in the evenings and the weekends when we can, but we've found ourselves playing in the water at home a lot more than we thought. That's definitely been okay though, because everyone has a blast and that's all that matters!
My little carwashers - they're a big help!
Playing at the "big" pools
We love our backyard!

Trying to catch a little frog
This is one of my favorite pictures of summertime -kids, sprinkler, pool, and watermelon!