Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Discoveries All Around...

Sitting in the Bumbo seat, the toes/feet are attached to the body, big sister Indi is soft, baby shoes DO serve a purpose....these are all recent discoveries at 16 weeks. The Bumbo seat is the greatest. Anna doesn't have the best posture yet, but we're working on it! She would rather be sitting up these days than laying so this is a perfect compromise.

On Friday, Anna discovered her feet. Literally. It was so cute to watch her come to the realization that those wiggly things are attached to her. She first started to move them in amazement and then started reaching for them. We can't wait to watch her figure out she can put them into her mouth!

Indi is now more interested in her little sister since she's figured out Anna can do "fun" things. Anna has also figured out Indi is fun to touch. I'm sure she loves her soft fur.

I always thought it was goofy to see babies wearing shoes. However, I quickly realized that they serve as a logical solution to keeping those baby socks on. ~couldn't resist adding those cute pics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

legs up like that butnaked peanut i LOVE your tinypussy