Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Friday, January 25, 2008

Anna Gabrielle is 6 months old today. Wow has the time flown! Around this time last year Matt and I were chaperoning a trip to Washington D.C. with St. Henry for the March for Life. I can remember walking on the streets of the city holding signs and protesting abortion knowing that I had a little life inside of that point we had heard our baby's little heartbeat many times and had seen that little life in black and white. That trip was an amazing testimony to us of what a miracle life truly is. We always knew why we were pro-life, but I don't think we fully understood until we marched for what we believed in at the same moment a life was growing in my own body.

That was a very powerful trip for us. Anna was 3 months at the time. I'll never forget the 3 and 4 month gestational posters on the side of the march with a picture of a baby that said "I had a dream today." At 3 months, my little baby could dream?!? Wow, I hope little Anna was dreaming of how wonderful her life would be with us. I know we were. And the real thing has been far more than we could have ever imagined. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months hold!

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