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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Our Baby-fied House

It's official. Our house will never be the same again. No longer will we have "adult" furniture or cleanliness (not that we really had that too much) or space of our own. Anna has taken over...and it's the greatest! I have to say that seeing her toys all over make me so proud to be a mommy. I love seeing little baby stuff all over and knowing that this is the house where our daughter (and other kids) will grow up and make memories. I love seeing her learn about all the fun things going on around her. Her favorite toy is still probably her real life doggy, Indi, but her new play-yard is closely battling for second.

We ordered "Anna's Kennel" online after a recommendation from a friend and it is one of our best purchases. We can put Anna in there and feel safe that she won't go anywhere --Which actually she really can't since she can't crawl yet - Although she IS scooting on her belly and in a seated position. We just have the play-yard in the corner of the couches with lots of toys thrown in. It's a sure bet that she will be entertained if we just pile up the toys and make her think that her space is so much fun she never wants to leave. Inevitably, the fun doesn't last for too long, because she quickly remembers mommy or daddy isn't holding her and then she wants out in order to explore from the big-people's-eye-view. This new "permanent" fixture will be sure to bring lots of great times to our household and we even have a few extra extensions for Anna's friends and brothers and sisters one day. Let the fun begin!

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