Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mommy Daughter Date
Anna had a big day last week ~ we went on a mommy daughter date to the mall and she got her ears pierced! Before you pass judgement, take a look at the pictures - they're darling!
Yes, she cried, but truly it was only like when she gets a shot - over and done. Our friends Anita, Gweneth, and Callie came to give us moral support as well as Grandma and Grandpa (on their way to Lexington for Uncle Drew's birthday). She is awesome at letting me clean them and even ASKS for me to do it. Strange kid, I know. (She also enjoys the nasal aspirator.) I heard that you either do it before 2 or don't plan on it til after they're 8. Because of Anna's little baby hair, I decided now was a good time. It helps her look more like a little girl. You'd be surprised how many people mistake my dressed-from-head-to-toe-in-pink baby girl for a boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gweneth loves anna! i'm so happy we could be there to share the experience. hope to see you girls soon!