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Monday, October 5, 2009

Disney on Ice - 100 Years of Magic

Amazing. Tremendous fun. Memories. Watching your two year old's eyes light up while she claps over and over and says hi to Mickey who she thinks is there just for her. Definitely one of the many priceless moments we just experienced as parents.

Not too much else to say. Imagine what it would be like to take your child to see Disney on Ice and that's exactly what it was. I'm sure it was only second to walking down Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom....yes, we're already thinking about that trip for our two little princesses....

I love this picture because it prefectly captures the innocence of a child. Here's Anna playing with her puzzles just minutes before we left for the show. She had no idea what kind of excitement was waiting for her later that night. Oh, if we could all just live in the moment.
Dancing in the aisle. Anna did a great job sitting on our laps. She finally figured out we were right next to the aisle at the end. We let her hang out there and dance for a little bit.
Anna brought this Minnie doll from home and held her the entire show. We actually got out of there without having to buy anything. Lucky us!


Uncle Matthew said...

Sounds like a great time! Do they still do those flashlights that twirl? Or was that the circus? I love all the other posts as well!

Benita said...

Isn't it wonderful to see such things through the eyes of your children. I think it is even more enjoyable than experiencing it as a child. By the way, I've forgiven you on behalf of all teachers, for your 's mistake. You can check out the full comment by going back to that post.