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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Megan Updates
Megan is now a little over nine months. I can't believe she's already older than the amount of time she was in my belly. Did this time fly with two under two? No, actually. And that's a very good thing.

I can remember looking at Megan when she was a few weeks old with 18 month old Anna demanding so much of my attention. I remember thinking that Megan's baby days could fly by all too quickly if I wasn't careful with how I spent my time. I made a conscious decision to take time and live in the moment with each of them as much as I could. I didn't want to wake up one day and realize that I was just going through the motions. So we spend our days creating a lot of memories and just trying to enjoy each little moment, monumentous and mundane. Are some days crazy when I want to scream and call in sick? Absolutely! But the point is that I've really taken time to enjoy my crazy life and not take these baby days for granted. It's the BEST to have a baby in the house again! (and no, that doesn't mean we want another too soon :)

So with that being said, Megan has grown into a little big girl right before our eyes. She has the sweetest personality you will ever meet (second to your own children I'm sure). If you've ever read "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, Megan's love language is 100% touch. She is a snuggler, a cuddler, an I-just-want-you-to-hold-me-close-and let-me-rub-your-face kind of baby. Now she is also a mover so unless you're mommy, she might not let you hold her too close these days.

Megan is pulling herself up on everything. She has started walking behind push toys. She has also started climbing which is a real treat when I'm trying to keep my eyes on our other little 27 month old climber. The coffee table has officially retired to the basement by the way. (The picture below is Megan on top of the breakfast table that Anna eats at sometimes. I turned around for probably 10 seconds and this is what I found.)

Megan just learned "so big!" this week and she says "da da" (daddy) on command.

We started signing around 6 months. Since we already know over 50 from doing it with Anna, we pretty much do them all for Megan and I think she is catching on a little quicker than Anna did. She definitely responds to the Indi sign, milk, eat, change diaper, swing, and Anna which is just the sign for the letter 'A'. She has even started doing the Anna sign which is so darn cute.

Megan loves bathtime. I think she finds it to be relaxing since it means she's by herself and away from her big sister.
She's starting to eat more and loves the whole experience. Our next mission is to work on some new finger foods for her. (It's so funny how much I forget about infant eating even though it seems that I JUST went through it.)
Within the last few weeks, Megan's first two teeth have popped through on the bottom. I just noticed this morning that her top left is about to break through too.
It's quite funny to watch Anna and Megan interact with one another. They definitely have started fighting over toys already. They will both grab something out of the other's hand if they want it. They make each other laugh which is pretty cute. Anna has started bossing Megan around by politely (and of course, impolitely) saying, "no, no Meggie Moo." And Anna is now getting a bit jealous of Megan using her toys -see picture of Megs on the car.
Finally, some of Megan's nicknames: Megs, Meg, Meggie, and Anna's favorite, Meggie Moo.


Grandma Kathy..or Maw as Anna says... said...

They do grow up fast. I like the one of the girls standing at the top of the steps!

rdmillaybabe said...

this is a really sweet blog entry!