Sorry to be harsh Mr. Winter, but I don't care for you. You're cold, you're usually dreary and you are the reason my kids destroy my house. Thank you Sunshine for helping us out and giving us hope to get us through. Without you, I would be lost.
Even Anna yelled at you, Winter, the other day. Sitting at the table eating lunch, she fiercly proclaimed, "I'm gonna walk outside and say 'hey, go away snow. I wanna eat outside!" I couldn't agree more!
So here is how we find ourselves passing the time these days...
We have beach parties.
After posting these pictures, I guess winter isn't so bad after all. We get to find creative ways to have fun and in the end we all get to cozy up with each other in a warm house full of love. These memories have been good ones, but I'll still be happier when all that snow is gone and we can eat outside!