Of course our days are always exciting around here, but this week proved to have a lot of fun "firsts", so it was an extra special week!
First day of Fall: If you ask me what my favorite season is, I will say summer. It's because I love warm weather, but it's really probably because of the nostalgia it brings....summer family vacations, playing outside until the street lights turn on, going to amusement parks, celebrating my birthday, summer festivals...Then every year when spring and fall come around, I end up longing for them too. (Sorry Winter, I don't really like you.) Fall is college football and the Bengals. It's the fall Keeneland run and grabbing some Joe B's while in Lextown for the ponies. It's jeans and jackets. It's now celebrating fun Halloween's with my sweet babies. It's pumpkin patch pictures....thanks Fall. I'm glad you came this week.

Go CATS! Blaze family outing to the Cats game at Paul Brown Stadium v Miami. Very fun time!
Go CATS! Blaze family outing to the Cats game at Paul Brown Stadium v Miami. Very fun time!
First time Megan begins to crawl on all fours: As previously posted, little Megan has been getting herself around quite efficiently for about 4 months now. I actually thought that she might go straight to walking and skip crawling on all fours. She could get into a sitting position from her belly. She could maneuver herself over top of things on her belly and even start to pull herself up on furniture. She's been "rocking" for about 3 weeks, but this week she decided to pick up her little belly off the ground and use those knees as the preferred method of transportation. I have to say that I'm pretty happy she did, because it looks so darn cute!

Each morning, Megan usually greets us now with a sweet smile from a seated position.
First Big Girl Panties for Anna: That's right! Don't get too excited (that she's a big girl or that I'm nuts for trying with having an 8 month old). Anna's actually been showning "signs" since March that she could possibly be ready. She tells me when she has to go and even asks to go on her potty quite often. I've never really had the patience yet to deal with it all. Anna's friend Josie was potty trained in the winter at 19 months and we saw another 19 month old friend at Bible Study last week who is also potty trained. I thought surely we can make this happen! Well.....we'll see. Anna picked out her Minnie underwear this week and ran around the house in them - and out of them - on rainy Wednesday and Thursday. It went okay I guess.
A cute little flip book of pictures. (She thought she was really funny.)
First time Megan waved: I told Anna she needed to help me teach Megan how to wave. We both started waving frantically and saying "Hi Megan, hi Megan". She caught on right away and added the greatest smile. She's not doing it consistently, but she gets excited watching us try to make her wave back.
First time Anna asked a question: Sure Anna's been talking for awhile. She says prepositionless sentences (you're probably thinking she has language difficulties because her mom makes up words). She sings songs which she thinks use the right words. But she really hasn't asked any questions using the words "why", "where", "what", etc. Last night I was giving Megan a bath and Anna was sitting with me eating some graham cracker cookies. She must have dropped a piece on the floor. Later, when she saw it, she said "what is that?" I was shocked that those words came out of her mouth in a perfect little sentence. It was fun to hear her and she could tell she did something cool because of my reaction. Anna was all excited knowing she said something "important."
First time seeing Disney on Ice: We took Anna on Thursday and it was wonderful! Wait for a posting later.
First time ever writing a post this long. I'm tired.