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Monday, October 5, 2009

The Typo
I would like to take this opportunity to redeem myself for the typo in my previous post. The teacher in me is going crazy knowing that I inappropriately used a possessive "s". That specific misuse of the written word is probably one of my greatest pet peeves. Yes, I know that Halloween doesn't own anything in my sentence. My sincere apologies to all of you who read it and cringed. I know I did when I finally proofed it.

First day of Fall: If you ask me what my favorite season is, I will say summer. It's because I love warm weather, but it's really probably because of the nostalgia it brings....summer family vacations, playing outside until the street lights turn on, going to amusement parks, celebrating my birthday, summer festivals...Then every year when spring and fall come around, I end up longing for them too. (Sorry Winter, I don't really like you.) Fall is college football and the Bengals. It's the fall Keeneland run and grabbing some Joe B's while in Lextown for the ponies. It's jeans and jackets. It's now celebrating fun Halloweens with my sweet babies. It's pumpkin patch pictures....thanks Fall. I'm glad you came this week.

Okay, that's better.

1 comment:

Benita said...

That 's thing must be the pet peeve of every teacher. It drives me nuts. Especially when used incorrectly on commercial signs, which I have seen here in E'town. But, alas, I do find myself occasionally using it incorrectly and I desperately want to find everyone who may have read what I've written and tell them I realize I made the mistake. You've asked for forgiveness and on behalf of teachers everywhere, I forgive you. You were sufficiently contrite. :)