Sweet Smells and Delectable Dining
So here's a fun fact for many of you: did you know that my sinuses have been so bad for, oh about 15 plus years that most of the time I struggle to taste and smell? I've never lost those senses completely, but when my sinuses are acting up (which is probably 10 months out of the year), I really have to work hard to taste food and a lot of the time I can't. Smell was always better for me in that I didn't have to force it as much but I don't think I've ever really smelled things the right way.
I've worked on trying to cure these problems for a long time with medicines, nasal sprays, allergy shots, etc. but have never had much success. I came to realize this was just a way of life for me -sinus infections, sinus headaches, sinus pressure...It would get to the point where I had to stop to think if I DIDN'T have a headache because I literally always had one. It didn't really interfere with my life too bad because I was used to it and didn't know life any other way. Enter Dr. Jaindl.
Last summer I started seeing a new ENT doctor because I was fed up. Pregnancy actually "cured" my problems for awhile. He said it was due to large hormonal shifts, but I can't use that as my cure. (Although if I could I would :) Dr. Jaindl suggested I have sinus surgery to permanently open the paths and to also clean everything. I always knew this was a possibility, but never thought I'd do it because I was scared to "go under". Well, we figured this Fall was the best time to do it based around pregnancy, breastfeeding and allergy seasons. If I didn't do it now, I might not have another chance for a few years.
Today I am officially two weeks post-op and I feel like I have superhero powers. I can taste and smell and it is amazing! I haven't had a headache in two weeks (except from the internal swelling), I can do a cartwheel and not feel lightheaded (seriously, I was doing them in the backyard with Anna tonight), and I can breathe! Life is good. My taste and smell senses are already incredible right now and the doctor said they won't even peak until five to six weeks post-op. Woo hoo! I feel like a new person.
I know this is a strange post and maybe too much information for a friendly blog where you really only care about my children, but I had to share. I didn't know anyone who had this surgery and I want people to know that I highly recommend it. The doctor said I will still be able to get sinus infections but I may never have a sinus headache again (I do get migraines though from other triggers although those should slow significantly). My quality of life has already changed so much and I can't wait to see if the no-headache thing is true. Looks like I'm heading in the right direction (ha, ha!).
YAY for cartwheels!!! So glad you're feeling great Jen!
That's great news! And it's a testament to your strength that I worked with you and NEVER KNEW you were in pain.
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