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Friday, October 8, 2010

Tales of a Preschooler

Anna took a trip to Dick's Sporting Goods with Matt. In reply to "Anna did you have so much fun there?" she excitedly exclaimed, "I saw a road for my running shoes!!!" (The track around the shoe section.)

Anna accompanied me to my monthly Familia Trainers Meeting (my Bible study leaders meeting). She was very good and cooperative. She sat quietly playing with a few other children and didn't really bother me for the whole two hours except for a few potty breaks. I think she was sort of in her own world, zoned out watching the adults when all of a sudden she leaned over to me and in a loud whisper said, "Mommy, what was that noise by my butt?" It was hysterical and we were all cracking up. Anna got her sweet little half smile on and realized what she had done and started laughing too.

I took the girls to Kroger one afternoon. To give you a visual, I put Megan in the front seat and Anna sits in the basket and gets groceries piled around her until she's basically squating on her feet in a little ball. Anna kept telling me her butt itched and so I kept telling her to scratch it. She'd say no and I'd continue shopping. Finally, I guess she couldn't take it anymore after about three of her own refusals to scratch it. She told me again in the frozen vegetables aisle. Once again I said, "then scratch it." She stood up in the cart, pulled her shorts down to her knees and scratched her butt. Oh my goodness, I was laughing so hard I could hardly stand up. There were about three adults in the aisle laughing too. I told her to pull them up and she said, "Mommy, I told you I had to itch my butt." I guess she was trying to be polite the whole time and then finally caved in. Even Megan understood her sister was crazy and was laughing!


Uncle Matthew said...

What a stinker. I hope to see her scratch her butt sometime soon...

Uncle Matthew said...

What a stinker. I hope to see her scratch her butt sometime soon...